Why post when…

12 10 2009

… this is all that’s been happening?

E has been watching this clip constantly for the last week. When we aren’t watching Blue’s Clues or more Sesame Street that is. Everyone is so sick here! I hear that’s the status quo everywhere though, so I can’t complain.

(I have to say, I dunno who Feist is and it’s not really my cup of tea, but I really enjoy her singing voice in that clip.)

Hopefully in a few days we will be up and around and sewing again, will get to comments then, sorry.

E’s Fall Fashion Tips

5 10 2009

tutu copy

I’m a big fan of giving kids choices and letting them learn from poor choices while they are young and the consequences for said choices are relatively small.

I always make sure that the choices I offer are something I’m OK with, for example, clothing. I’d never give them the choice of a garment I don’t approve of. And the younger they are, the less choices they get; E gets choices of two outfits, Z gets choices from his entire wardrobe.

All this to say: even though E is barely two she has her very own interesting “personal style”, as Tim Gunn would say. So I imagine that if she had her own fashion blog, it would look something like this:

tutu copy
Wearing jammies outside the house is usually a no-no, but pair it with a tutu and some colorful boots and you’re ready for any grocery store “runway”.

A nice pair of silky jammies are great for lounging around the house.

Make each garment your own! Is the back of the collar more exciting than the front? Turn the shirt around and refuse to let your mother button you up the correct way, she obviously has no idea about fashion.


Why wait till Halloween to wear your costumes? Any day is dress up day!


Don’t be afraid of color. I had fun putting this outfit together. Mommy didn’t think I needed the shrug too but little did she know it made the outfit!


A good coat is also critical, even if you live in California like I do. Grandpa picked this one out for me so it’s a little big, but it’s kinda like a coat dress so I wear it anyways.


And just in case you think I am immune to fashion no-no’s, if your diaper is showing, your dress is too short!


Hair this fall is long, flowing and curly. Unless your mother insists on putting it in pigtails.


Boots are a must have for any fall wardrobe. Make sure you have one sensible pair and one crazy colored pair for more fun looks.


A girl can never have too many shoes. My poor unfashionable mother only has 2 pairs! Too bad she doesn’t get hand-me-downs like I do!


Really, you can never have enough shoes.


I’ve had these earrings since I was 3 months old, some classics never go out of style.


Don’t forget, a lightsaber makes any outfit complete.


That’s all from E, I hope you enjoyed my fall fashion tips.

The Days are Just Packed

4 10 2009


I love this photo. S is drawing a maze on a breakfast in bed type tray free-hand. He is so amazing at that. I wish I had had a chance to take a photo of the finished product, but I never even saw it before it went off as a belated birthday gift. A and E saw S “coloring” and wanted to join in.

Yard sale treasures


How great is this! I had been wanting a small “plastic” or whatever it is Xmas tree for a decade. My timing was perfect as I grabbed it before she finished putting the “free” sign on it (nicely though, of course. I didn’t yank it out of her hands or anything). With a toddler, two boys and two cats, this is going to be perfect for an out of the way tree. And it was free!


$1.50 for 4 yards of this beautiful creamy flowery fabric. I think I found my purse fabric! While I was distracted with piles and piles of amazing fabric, Z was up to his usual yard sale magic. I turned around and he has this 5 inches from my face…


“It’s a lemon shark mouth”, he tells me matter of factly. He’s a smart guy and usually right, plus he had this mouth of shark teeth pointed at me, so who was I to argue?

“He caught it himself!” Z continued, “he wanted $5 for it but I talked him down to $3.”


I did it, I made them all matching pj pants. At one point I didn’t think I was going to be able to figure out Z’s but hurrah! I got a twin sheet set at Target for $10 (not a thrifty find to be sure, but I liked the car pattern) and used one sheet, so 3 pants came out to $5.

Mini Golf


This is how we spent part of Saturday. I think A won.


I have no idea what was so funny, but I love candid shots such as these.

Sneak Peek
I hesitate to post without knowing how it’s going to turn out but here’s your sneak peek.

Firefly/Serenity Kaylee Inspired Toddler outfit

1 10 2009


Please note the word “inspired” in the title. I tried very hard to make something more similar but man did I have problems. So I am a huge browncoat, and it’s exciting to say I saw the very first episode they showed on FOX the night it premiered and have been hooked ever since. That never happens, I usually catch on a season or two later. Like, I’m going to watch Fast Forward, really, I just haven’t had time! I won’t be too behind.

Back to Firefly:

Photo courtesy FOX and fan site Can't Take the Sky

Photo courtesy FOX and fan site Can't Take the Sky

I love the Kaylee character and I really wanted to make a few outfits for E inspired by Kaylee’s look.

I ran into a few problems right off the bat. There was this beautiful fabric I’d seen at Joann’s several times but on the day I had some extra money it was nowhere to be seen! And there was no way I was going to be able to explain the fabric I was searching for to anyone that worked there.


So sadly, off the top of my head I grabbed two fabrics I thought would work. And I think they did!

The shirt didn’t give me any problems except one – I used white thread. I didn’t realize it would show up so easily. Oops. It did give me the opportunity to see how messy my stitches were, in case I started to get cocky and think I actually knew how to sew!


The next problem was that I didn’t want to make a jumpsuit. That seems a little beyond me and who wants to put a kinda-sorta potty training toddler in a jumpsuit? So I had the brilliant idea to make a vest instead! You’ll notice you haven’t seen the vest, and you won’t. I made three different versions and none of them worked or fit right. It was getting to the point that I was so frustrated I wanted to quit, and I knew she wouldn’t wear a vest anyway. So what was I stressing over? I’m learning to let go of the things that aren’t going to be improved with my panic attacks/stress and that was one of them.

But I do want to find or make a heart and teddy bear patch, it really won’t be complete till I can do that.


It really need something, especially since the vest wasn’t happening, so with what I believe is Kaylee’s approval, E got some ruffles. S helped me set the ruffles properly, he’s so handy to have around. When I did it they were way way off! I will next time, however, put them higher up. I also used clear elastic for the ruffles on the pant leg and the gathering on the ruffles themselves.


Total cost: $6ish.

I’ve really enjoyed being inspired by Kaylee and I would love to make her “pretty” from the episode, “Shindig”, but that’s biting off a lot for a complete novice. Unless I make a sort of twirl skirt. We’ll see.

Next up: Z wants to learn how to make dolls or juggling balls or something small he can sell, which means I have to learn how to make something easy for him to learn how to make. Any suggestions?

Men’s workshirts into toddler swing skirt

17 09 2009


She seems happy eh?

I used a great tutorial from Vegbee and 8ish hours later (hard to judge between driving kids to functions and classes and having a toddler at your legs) this was the end result!


For my first real project of any magnitude, I’m alright with it. I know I can do better. I know the bottom seam is crooked, but I opted to forgo the bias tape or anything that would weigh it down more, so I folded it over. Maybe not the best choice for someone with my sewing skills.


Also, the butt is shorter than the front, even though she hardly has a butt, even with a diaper! I should shorten the front next time. (I know this photo looks like the exact opposite, it’s just the way she’s standing)


E makes Tyra Banks proud with her crazy angles. She probably needs to work on smiling with her eyes though.

This was quite a fun and frugal sewing project. I used 3 of S’s work shirts that didn’t quite fit him, cut them into strips and sewed those together, then cut them out using a template.


I could have actually done this with 2 shirts, but I liked the tricolor pattern and I had plenty of shirts to work with.

I was really moving right along, proud of myself for getting it mostly right and all the seams the right direction, etc, when this happened.


It took me forever to realize that anything was wrong, I wasted so so so much thread doing this. Don’t even ask me how long it took to figure out what was happening. I’m a self taught noob, remember? S knows more about sewing than I do!


Total cost: FREE, however, I know my husband’s shirt supply won’t last, so thrift store bought this would be about $12 on a bad day. Yard sale bought? $3ish. I’m definitely going to make another one, but this time in my size. S has 4 or 5 green greyish shirts that will make a very lovely skirt!

(Oh, BTW, I was telling my mom about this and she freaked out, thinking I was using all of S’s good work shirts lol)

Sale at Joanns
Joann’s has all their fat quarters on sale for $0.99. I bought a few really gorgeous patterns and felt spoiled. I should keep better track of how much I’m spending on this crafting I started to save money 🙂

That’s it for now. I’m going out with my mom to buy notions and velcro for her belly dance costume. Now that’s another great story…

A weekend of sewing

14 09 2009

So it’s been a few days since I posted, between a migraine, followed by a sinus infection, I haven’t been up to much at all. Except sewing of course! I spent the weekend hunched over the ironing board/sewing machine.

I learned new things this weekend, which I’m always excited about. I learned how to make ruffles! I know that doesn’t sound like a big deal, but to me, every new thing I learn about making clothes opens entire worlds of design to me. Now I can add ruffles anywhere I want! Yay me! Plus once I learn a new skill, I can add to it with another new skill. I know I am too excited for my own good.

I made her a top based on the pillowcase dress, I shortened the length and the width and finished it with ribbon.



I wanted to try making her a shrug, so I grabbed an old top of hers that had a big stain down the middle. Excellent, she has a new shrug and that stain is cut out! I had made it while she was asleep and hung it up in the kitchen. When she woke up and saw it, she kept pointing at it saying, “PWEE! PWEE!” which is how she says pretty. Think she likes it!


Then I moved on to something harder (for me) and a step away from the pillowcase dress. I made her a little playdress, and followed that up with some pants to go underneath. This was where I learned ruffles! I’ve been practicing these attempts using the same sheet, so a lot of her new clothes are matchy.


Sorry for the lack of good photos, it’s rainy outside or we’d go to the park for a photo shoot. Maybe later in the week.

Next I’m going to make another playdress. I guess I like to make everything more than once just to make sure I’ve mastered it before I move on. Any suggestions for my next lesson? I can’t wait to try something new!

Forgot to add, total cost of all this sewing: Free! or about 10 cents of notions
2 old shirts, 1 old sheet set, ribbons and thread.

Superhero Birthday Cape

8 09 2009

About 11:30pm the night before E’s birthday, I realized she didn’t have a birthday crown or hat. Well, I hadn’t bought one because I knew she wouldn’t wear it for more than 10 seconds. So S and I whipped up a quick superhero birthday cape.

Super E!

Super E!

It’s not super-well made, being as how it was late at night and I had so much to do before the party the next day. I plan on making ones for the boys so when I do theirs, I’ll be sure to seam the edges and cut straighter lol

So here’s how I did it: At an Estate Sale Saturday, I ran across some interesting patterned housecoats, the kind my grandmother always used to wear. First, I ripped out the back panel.

Sorry for the rather crummy pictures on this post, I was in a hurry.

S cut out the sides to shape the cape, he’s much much better at cutting a straight line than I am!


This would be the step the stitch up the sides and make the seams even. You know, the step I skipped!

Next, S traced out the “E” out of leftover from the housecoat and a circle of blue from my stash. Another thing he is very good at!


Something I’m not good at: sewing in a circle at midnight. I went back and hand-stitched the circle, this was just a mess!


To make the strings for the cape, I took the seam from that leftover blue so I wouldn’t have to iron or fold anymore. Like I said, I seriously got lazy. If I made her another one I would also change the cape, mostly because my family was horrified that it was such a choking hazard. I swear, do they not remember the capes we all wore when we were little?

Total cost: about $0.30 including notions. I am really loving this sewing stuff! I’m guessing a cape at a store would cost at least $15 and be sewn just as well 😉

Also, does anyone know why my pictures are lining up all weird? It is seriously annoying.

E’s second birthday party – lots of images

7 09 2009
Super E!

Super E!

For E’s birthday last year, we got her a cute birthday hat. I knew this year there is no way she would wear a hat. Not for all the animal crackers in the world. So at 10:30 the night before, S and I whipped up this superhero birthday cape. I will post more about that later though…


I don’t know what this face is, but it’s the messiest she got with her cupcake. Such a fastidious eater. Daddy made her peanut butter and chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and sprinkles and gummy bears. Daddy doesn’t like to sleep at night. He also likes lots of noise.


Daddy blew up this great pool we got for $7 on the Target 75% off clearance aisle. The outside of the box leads one to believe the pool is much much larger than it is. It’s the TARDIS of pools! Um, only backwards. Alright, nevermind.


It was big enough for rough-housing and I guess, in the long run, that’s all that really matters. Z and A had a good time in the pool; I thought it wouldn’t be large enough for them.



I made sure all the kids had enough bubbles, so between the sprinkler, the pool and the bubbles, everything was soaking wet. Here A is “sneezing” bubbles. Goofball.

No, she didn’t get charcoal for her birthday. I just never moved it before I took the pictures. Oops. Also, keep in mind, she opened her other presents at home that morning. Next year I will buy her less, her grandparents definitely have this covered.

Her very own potty! Mommy would really love it if she would use it right away, please? Unfortunately, I have a feeling she will take this slowly, so I will have to have patience.

E was very careful to read all the cards. Her uncle gave her these adorable purple shoes that are just screaming for a dress made by mommy.

That was then, this is now – two years of E!

7 09 2009
E's birth day

E's birth day

The day E was accidentally born at home (and wow is that a story!) two years ago. She was 6 pounds 11 ounces and 12 days early.

E's First Birthday

E's First Birthday

E’s first birthday celebrated in a pretty dress from her grandmother. We hadn’t cut her hair yet, so she got a nifty bang ponytail. Her hair was also darker. She didn’t mess up her cake at all, she very neatly ate it — or I’d have one of those cool cakealloverthefaceMMMMmmMM cake! kiddo pictures.


E is two today! She’s celebrating in another pretty dress from her grandmother, but this time I made her a little birthday superhero cape and her hair is getting lighter!

We had a small family party at my parents’ house. I will share a completely obese amount of photos from that soon. Very cute!

So sad my baby is two, my first two grew up so fast but she is just going at lightning speed. 😦

Saturdays, Super Sales and Seven-Up Sandwiches

7 09 2009

GAH! I would swear I posted this last night. Well, I guess I still have to learn wordpress still.


OK, so they weren’t really sandwiches, but the family had them for lunch, and I like alliteration. I wanted to make a different type of pancake and I ran across one that called for 1/4 cup of the liquid to be Seven-Up. I personally didn’t have any because I hate pancakes, but everyone else seemed to like them.

Then it was on to the sales!
I got all this fabric and the ribbon for 30 cents. That’s at least 4 dresses!

All this, which includes 2 different twin sheet sets, for $2. Also at this sale I got a HUGE box of Xmas wrapping paper and bows and boxes for $5. I’m so excited I don’t have to shop for Xmas paper this year! I’m done already.

My oldest child learned the art of bargaining. He came away with a backgammon case, a tennis racket, two toys, a jewelry case and something else for $3 and since it was his allowance I let him do the shopping.


You geeks will totally get me on this one. I got all this, plus a CD of how to speak Klingon, two Futurama posters and original blueprints of the USS Excelsior for $6. Yeah. That was a kick ass yard sale. I wish I had more money, he had a ton of Star Trek/Star Wars comics.

To make the day really complete, we finished wrapping E’s birthday presents, made the cupcakes, packed the car for church and birthday party and best of all — the bloomers I made fit her. I’ll post photos soon, probably after the 2 year old birthday party photos.

Hurrah! Life can be really good some days. But wish us luck tomorrow…